Monday, February 8, 2016

Youtube channel was deleted!!!!!!

Well, I was really crushed tonight because I went to sign into my youtube channel tonight and it was not there. It said the account was closed by the user. I had been doing some work on syncing my accounts and inadvertently must have deleted my account. This did not seem to be a big deal because others have done this and gotten their channel back. I emailed google and they advised that my google + pages were all linked together. I had three pages and did not want them all because they were a pain to manage. So when I deleted the unwanted pages, somehow my default page was deleted as well. I was advised that because I manually deleted the pages there was no way to get any of the videos back.

I was going to change the format of the channel drastically in a month or so when I get my new camera but now I have lost over 90 videos!!!!!! I have some of the vids on my mac but that crashed just a few weeks ago. It has been a rough couple weeks. I guess in the grand scheme of things, worse could happen. I just feel bad that I lost all that footage of my older pointer because he is getting older and hopefully I will have more vids of him hunting. Thanks to all that supported my channel and subscribed. Hopefully you will all subscribe to my new channel. I have mad it and it will be titled the same as the blog: Adventures Midwest. I will keep you guys posted of when I am up and running and will put up a short vid this week to see how the channel is working out.

I can still be found on facebook, instagram, twitter (@czapiewskitom), and youtube all at adventures midwest.


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