Friday, February 26, 2016

How to clean your cork!

Well late winter is when I usually get my fishing gear cleaned because I have time now that hunting season is coming to an end. This secret is the magic erasure. It is an inexpensive way to make your fishing gear look and feel new.

All you do is take your magic erasure and wet just like you would to clean your sink and go over the cork or any other parts of the rod for that matter and voila, your rod looks and feels new. This only takes a couple of minutes per rod and it is worth it. I find that after I use my rods, the cork not only gets dirty but feels smooth and has no tack to it. After going over the cork with a magic erasure, that tack is present and the rod feels new.

Here they are before the cleaning.

And here they are after cleaning with the magic erasure.

So go ahead and give this a try to restore your fishing gear to new condition!

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